Table 4

Results from mediation analysis: direct and indirect effects of X variable on Y mediated by ‘mediator’ variable

XYMediatorACMEp value (ACME)ADEp value (ADE)Prop. MediatedTEp value (TE)
Patient classInterpersonal sensitivityTAS−0.135<0.001−0.1320.1240.506−0.2670.004
Patient classAnxietyTAS−0.105<0.001−0.1660.0640.387−0.271<0.001
Patient classGSITAS−0.087<0.001−0.1120.1320.437−0.1990.004
Patient classPSDITAS−0.065<0.001−0.0940.1440.4070−0.1590.016
Patient classDTS total scoreTAO−6.3770.008−5.1770.2640.552−11.553<0.001
Patient classDTS intrusivityTAO−2.008<0.001−3.1820.0040.387−5.190<0.001
Patient classDTS avoidanceTAS−1.477<0.001−2.8230.0440.3443−4.3000.004
  • Please note that only significant mediations were reported (p<0.05).

  • Prop. Mediated=proportion of effect of the patient’s class on the Y variable that goes through the mediator (calculated as ACME/TE).

  • ACME, average causal mediation effect; ADE, average direct effect; DTS, Davidson Trauma Scale; GSI, Global Severity Index; PSDI, Positive Symptom Distress Index; TAO, turning against objects; TAS, turning against self; TE, total effect (direct+indirect).