Table 3

Comparison of demographic data between male patients with elevated or normal PRL levels

FactorsElevated PRL
Normal PRL
P value
Age, years51 (36, 59)/39 (27.25, 52.50)42 (29, 56.5)/33 (21.25, 49.75)U=–1.76/–0.790.078/0.430
Illness duration, years20.89 (10.50, 35)/12 (5.82, 27.88)13 (6, 24)/4.58 (1.00, 21.88)U=–1.85/–1.430.664/0.152
Age of onset, years26 (20, 29)/22.33 (20.52, 28.25)25 (20, 30)/23 (19, 30)U=0.32/–0.290.747/0.774
Medication time, years1.24 (0.10, 2.75)/0.06 (0.003, 1.58)0.66 (0.04, 2.13)/0.23 (0.01, 0.73)U=−1.74/0.350.082/0.727
Body mass index, kg/m2 23.42 (20.76, 25.54)/23.46 (20.57, 26.12)23.84 (21.88, 25.49)/22.20 (19.85, 24.08)U=0.37/1.130.713/0.199
Dose, mg/day4.82 (4, 6)/18.25 (11.25, 20)4 (2, 5)/13.52 (10, 20)U=−2.33/2.520.020*/0.012*
Fasting plasma glucose, mmol/L5.01 (4.60, 5.34)/4.60 (4.25, 4.96)5.28 (4.84, 5.82)/4.94 (4.44, 5.40)U=2.62/2.150.009*/0.03*
Total cholesterol, mmol/L4.38 (0.97)/4.27 (0.90)4.47 (0.91)/4.46 (0.94)t=–0.58/–0.630.556/0.529
Triglycerides, mmol/L1.27 (0.93, 1.57)/1.43 (0.72, 2.69)1.46 (0.99, 1.97)/1.35 (0.91, 1.99)U=1.79/0.360.073/0.720
PRL, ng/mL47.34 (36.18, 60.59)/42.12 (32.49, 56.13)12.70 (2.64, 18.03)/12.55 (2.76, 18.31)————
  • Normal distribution (mean+SD).

  • Non-normal distribution (median (Q1, Q3)).

  • *p≤0.05

  • OLZ, olanzapine; PRL, prolactin; RIS, risperidone.