Table 4

Comparison of ZBI, HADS and WHOQOL-BREF scores between male and female caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and alcohol use disorder.

Alcohol use disorderSchizophrenia
Male caregiversFemale caregiversU value/t valueP valueMale caregiversFemale caregiversU value/t valueP value
ZBI score34.36 (28.2)53.17 (21.0)2.42*0.01*41.06 (22.9)51.65 (19.6)198.50.04
HADS score
Depression9.63 (7.7)14.3 (5.1)1350.0610.2 (6.1)12.6 (5.7)1.39*0.17*
Anxiety8.90 (6.4)13.7 (5.4)2.52*0.01*9.96 (6.0)13.5 (5.0)1830.02
Physical health60.71 (12.0)45.78 (13.9)3.21*0.002*52.38 (13.8)44.28 (17.4)1.83*0.07*
Psychological health64.01 (17.9)42.30 (18.6)3.44*0.001*51.80 (21.0)43.33 (19.7)1.43*0.15*
Social relationships66.66 (32.7)42.09 (28.3)1280.0459.06 (25.9)43.1 (24.8)1.57*0.12*
Environmental health75.85 (23.8)41.90 (22.0)4.43*<0.001*41.06 (22.9)51.65 (19.6)2.16*0.03*
  • Data are presented as mean (SD).

  • *Denotes that data followed the normality test and so are interpreted by unpaired t-test, and thus t value has been mentioned, while the rest of the groups were compared by Mann-Whitney test. P<0.05 is considered statistically significant.

  • HADS, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale; WHOQOL-BREF, WHO Quality of Life-BREF; ZBI, Zarit Burden Interview.