Table 3

Regression analysis of associated factors on bystanders’ behaviours in cyberbullying

Bystanders’ behaviours (dependent variables)
InterveneIgnoreJoin in
OR (95% CI)P valueOR (95% CI)P valueOR (95% CI)P value
Females1.596 (1.089 to 2.339)0.017*1.102 (0.743 to 1.634)0.6280.853 (0.562 to 1.293)0.453
Age0.985 (0.875 to 1.110)0.8071.016 (0.898 to 1.149)0.7981.104 (0.968 to 1.258)0.139
Victims2.144 (1.382 to 3.325)0.001**0.809 (0.512 to 1.278)0.3641.099 (0.677 to 1.783)0.702
Bullies1.446 (0.934 to 2.240)0.0980.611 (0.387 to 0.964)0.034*4.067 (2.434 to 6.798)<0.001***
Friends2.075 (1.215 to 3.542)0.007**0.849 (0.519 to 1.388)0.5130.730 (0.417 to 1.275)0.269
General2.444 (1.075 to 5.558)0.033*4.565 (1.580 to 13.187)0.005**1.623 (0.693 to 3.798)0.264
Attitude1.276 (0.992 to 1.640)†0.0581.977 (1.524 to 2.566)‡<0.001***1.885 (1.427 to 2.490)§<0.001***
Norms1.686 (1.149 to 2.474)¶0.008**1.607 (1.093 to 2.364)††0.016*1.310 (0.771 to 2.225)‡‡0.318
Attachment1.029 (1.004 to 1.053)0.022*0.997 (0.973 to 1.023)0.8350.983 (0.957 to 1.009)0.207
Self-esteem0.969 (0.925 to 1.015)0.1871.002 (0.956 to 1.050)0.9280.999 (0.947 to 1.054)0.97
  • Victims=victims’ experience. Bullies=bullies’ experience. Friends=cyberbullying happening to friends and relatives. General=cyberbullying happening to general public.

  • *p<0.001; **p<0.01; *p<0.05.

  • †Attitude towards intervening.

  • ‡Attitude towards ignoring.

  • §Attitude towards joining in the cyberbullying.

  • ¶Perceived norm of intervening.

  • ††Perceived norm of ignoring.

  • ‡‡Perceived norm of joining in the cyberbullying.