Table 1

Definition of arterial hypertension for ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) in children and adolescents

Arterial BP categoryBP percentiles7 20 and corresponding z-scores24 defined for children (6–13 years) and adolescents (14–18 years)BP threshold values20 defined for adults (>18 years) and if applicable for adolescents (14–18 years)*
HypotensionAt least one criterion:
Sys <P5 (z-score <-1.645)
Dia <P5 (z-score <-1.645)
Not defined
NormotensionBoth criteria:
Sys ≥P5 and <P90 (z-score ≥-1.645 and <1.282)
Dia ≥P5 and <P90 (z-score ≥-1.645 and <1.282)
Both criteria:
Sys_D <130 mm Hg
Dia_D <80 mm Hg
PrehypertensionAt least one criterion:
Sys ≥P90 and <P95 (z-score ≥1.282 and <1.645)
Dia ≥P90 and <P95 (z-score ≥1.282 and <1.645)
At least one criterion:
Sys_D ≥130 and <135 mm Hg
Dia_D ≥80 and <85 mm Hg
Hypertension stage IAt least one criterion:
Sys ≥P95 and <(P99 + 5 mm Hg)
(z-score ≥1.645 and <(2.326 + 5 mm Hg))
Dia ≥P95 and <(P99 + 5 mm Hg)
(z-score ≥1.645 and <(2.326 + 5 mm Hg))
At least one criterion:
Sys_D ≥135 mm Hg
Sys_N ≥120 mm Hg
Dia_D ≥85 mm Hg
Dia_N ≥70 mm Hg
Hypertension stage IIAt least one criterion:
Sys ≥(P99 + 5 mm Hg) (z-score ≥(2.326 + 5 mm Hg))
Dia ≥(P99 + 5 mm Hg) (z-score ≥(2.326 + 5 mm Hg))
Not defined
  • *If adolescents exceeded the threshold value for arterial hypertension of adults (but not the threshold value for arterial hypertension of children), then the lower threshold value for adults was important.20

  • BP, blood pressure; D, daytime blood pressure; Dia, diastolic blood pressure; N, night-time blood pressure; P, blood pressure percentile (eg, P90 = 90th blood pressure percentile); Sys, systolic blood pressure.