Table 1

Demographic characteristics, clinical symptoms and cognitive function assessments among the comorbidity, depression and control groups

Control group (n=42)Depression group (n=42)Comorbidity group (n=40)F/χ2 P valueA vs BA vs CB vs C
 Male, n (%)18 (42.9)24 (57.1)27 (67.5)
 Female, n (%)24 (57.1)18 (42.9)13 (32.5)
Education years4.1070.128///
 ≤12 years, n (%)24 (57.1)16 (38.1)23 (57.5)
 >12 years, n (%)18 (42.9)26 (61.9)17 (42.5)
 Yes, n (%)27 (64.3)25 (59.5)28 (70.0)
 No, n (%)15 (35.7)17 (40.5)12 (30.0)
Family pattern2.6480.266///
 Nuclear, n (%)28 (66.7)34 (81.0)27 (67.5)
 Non-nuclear, n (%)14 (33.3)8 (19.0)13 (32.5)
Marital status0.1900.909///
 Single, n (%)20 (47.6)22 (52.4)20 (50.0)
 Married, n (%)22 (52.4)20 (47.6)20 (50.0)
Monthly income2.9900.560///
 <3 000 yuan, n (%)13 (31.0)12 (28.6)10 (25.0)
 3 000–5 000 yuan, n (%)15 (35.7)11 (26.2)17 (42.5)
 >5 000 yuan, n (%)14 (33.3)19 (45.2)13 (32.5)
Patient status0.5620.454///
 Outpatient, n (%)/17 (40.5)13 (32.5)
 Inpatient, n (%)/25 (59.5)27 (67.5)
Age (years), mean (SD)30.55 (9.88)33.07 (12.51)35.65 (13.72)1.8170.167///
BDI-II, mean (SD)/21.60 (10.40)27.93 (12.31)2.5190.014*///
HAMD-24, mean (SD)/24.81 (11.39)30.38 (9.69)2.3780.020*///
PI-NRS, mean (SD)/1.31 (1.83)5.38 (2.11)9.343<0.001***///
MoCA-BC, mean (SD)
 Visuospatial/executive4.21 (1.09)4.18 (1.11)4.08 (1.32)0.1380.871///
 Naming2.86 (0.41)2.78 (0.53)2.68 (0.62)1.0800.343///
 Attention5.69 (0.72)5.43 (0.87)5.24 (1.34)2.0750.130///
 Language2.50 (0.63)2.40 (0.70)2.37 (0.85)0.3560.701///
 Abstraction1.67 (0.57)1.63 (0.63)1.58 (0.68)0.1950.823///
 Delayed recall3.69 (1.05)2.90 (1.70)2.63 (1.55)5.7640.004**0.016*0.002**0.419
 Orientation5.95 (0.22)5.83 (0.96)5.84 (0.59)0.4530.637///
 Total score26.57 (2.75)25.14 (3.87)24.47 (4.32)3.4860.034*0.0780.011*0.414
PRMQ, mean (SD)
 Prospective memory20.20 (5.07)20.74 (7.04)25.56 (8.37)7.221<0.001***0.722<0.001***0.002**
 Retrospective memory19.15 (5.47)21.12 (6.76)24.77 (7.50)7.408<0.001***0.177<0.001***0.014*
 Continuous pain0 (0, 2)2 (0, 5)8 (3.5, 16.5)32.186<0.001***0.323<0.001***<0.001***
 Intermittent pain0 (0, 0)0 (0, 0)0 (0, 6)20.268<0.001***1.000<0.001***<0.001***
 Neuropathic pain0 (0, 2)1 (0, 3)5.5 (1, 10)27.394<0.001***0.131<0.001***0.004**
 Affective descriptors0 (0, 3)8 (3, 18)18 (11.5, 28)55.836<0.001***<0.001***<0.001***0.007**
 Total score2.5 (0, 5)2.5 (0, 5)33.5 (23, 54)58.193<0.001***<0.001***<0.001***<0.001***
  • A, control group; B, depression group; C, comorbidity group.

  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.

  • BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; HAMD-24, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-24; IQR, interquartile range; MoCA-BC, Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Basic Section; PI-NRS, Pain Intensity Numerical Rating Scale; PM, prospective memory; PRMQ, Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire; RM, retrospective memory; SD, standard deviation; SF-MPQ-2-CN, Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2-Chinese version.