Table 1

Baseline characteristics according to the number of chronic conditions accumulated during 20 years of follow-up, ALSWH, 1996 (n=7 694)

CharacteristicNumber of chronic conditionsStatistics
P value*
0 or 1 (n=3 210)≥2 (n=4 484)
Overall satisfaction score, mean(SD)11.2 (2.4)10.7 (2.5)8.560<0.001
Age at baseline, mean(SD)47.5 (1.5)47.6 (1.5)3.920<0.001
Area of residence, n(%)10.5400.015
 Major cities1 202 (37.4)1 600 (35.7)
 Inner regions1 179 (36.7)1 799 (40.1)
 Outer regions654 (20.4)881 (19.6)
 Remote/very remote174 (5.4)204 (4.5)
Marital status, n(%)10.9550.004
 Married2 781 (86.6)3 782 (84.3)
 Separated/divorced/widowed327 (10.2)567 (12.6)
 Single90 (2.8)121 (2.7)
Education, n(%)29.684<0.001
 University/higher degree489 (15.2)609 (13.6)
 Trade/apprenticeship/diploma628 (19.6)922 (20.6)
 High school certificate613 (19.1)679 (15.1)
 No qualifications1 458 (45.4)2 237 (49.9)
Country of birth, n(%)4.3480.037
 Australia2 386 (74.3)3 414 (76.1)
 Outside Australia796 (24.8)1 017 (22.7)
Ability to manage income, n(%)66.094<0.001
 Easy/not bad2 088 (65.0)2 511 (56.0)
 Sometimes difficult807 (25.1)1 272 (28.4)
 Impossible/always difficult302 (9.4)647 (14.4)
BMI categories, n(%)175.549<0.001
 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2)55 (1.7)64 (1.4)
 Normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)1 889 (58.8)2 080 (46.4)
 Overweight (25–29.9 kg/m2)833 (26.0)1 304 (29.1)
 Obese (30–35 kg/m2)326 (10.2)891 (19.9)
Physical activity, n(%)23.235<0.001
 High (≥1200 MET min/week)591 (18.4)687 (15.3)
 Moderate (600–1199 MET min/week)873 (27.2)1 133 (25.3)
 Low (40–599 MET min/week)962 (30.0)1 384 (30.9)
 Nil/sedentary (0–39 MET min/week)761 (23.7)1 249 (27.9)
Alcohol intake, n(%)16.745<0.001
 Low risk1 679 (52.3)2 215 (49.4)
 None/rarely1 363 (42.5)1 994 (44.5)
 Risky125 (3.9)249 (5.6)
Smoking status, n(%)14.645<0.001
 Never1 789 (55.7)2 336 (52.1)
 Former smoker863 (26.9)1 253 (27.9)
 Current461 (14.4)772 (17.2)
Menopausal status, n(%)126.538<0.001
 Surgical menopause497 (15.5)1 057 (23.6)
 Hormone use439 (13.7)680 (15.2)
 Pre-menopausal1 365 (42.5)1 477 (32.9)
 Peri-menopausal726 (22.6)1 043 (23.3)
 Post-menopausal175 (5.5)218 (4.9)
  • Data are presented as n (%) or the mean (SD). The column number may not be equal to n because of missing data.

  • *Independent-samples t-test was used for continuous variables (age), and χ2 tests were used for categorical variables.

  • ALSWH, Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health; BMI, body mass index; MET, metabolic equivalent of task.