Functional neuroimaging studies comparing individuals with bipolar disorder across different mood states
While including mood state-narrowly defined patients with bipolar disorder may help control for the potential confounds of symptomatic epiphenomena, including patients in different mood states simultaneously within a single sample may provide novel insight into the mechanisms underlying episodic symptomatology. What remain less clear are the differences between mood states and the extent to which mood states may share abnormalities. In other words, it is unclear which deficits are state specific and which are trait markers of bipolar disorder. Therefore, to better explore trait fMRI markers and state-dependent impairments, increasing numbers of studies have included patients with bipolar disorder in different mood states simultaneously, allowing for better homogeneity and more reliable conclusions (figure 1).
Figure 1Schematic summary of trait and state-related functional neuroimaging measures in bipolar disorder. The blue boxes indicate trait-related measures. The red boxes indicate state-related measures. The grey box indicates measures reported to be both trait and state related. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; AMG, amygdala; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; EC, effective connectivity; FC, functional connectivity; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; PFC, prefrontal cortex; vlPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; vPFC, ventral prefrontal cortex; VS, ventral striatum. This figure is made with
Brain functional alterations during emotional tasks
Emotional paradigmsmi include emotion perception and emotion regulation. Investigators have explored the role of the prefrontal–limbic loop circuit in the transitions between mood states in terms of both processes.12
The perception of emotional information can be decomposed into two consecutive processes: the initial examination of the received emotional information and the subsequent understanding of the content of the information. The perception of emotional information is usually assessed using the following emotional tasks: passively viewing expressions, face affect matching, emotional face recognition/labelling and intensity of emotional face evaluation. These studies have demonstrated that patients with bipolar disorder show trait brain functional activations in the limbic system (eg, amygdala and striatum) and the PFC (eg, orbitofrontal, medial and lateral prefrontal cortex) in the perception of emotional information. These functional alterations seem to be independent of the mood states of bipolar disorder, which may shed light on the neural substrates of bipolar disorder. For example, patients with bipolar disorder showed hyperactivation in the putamen,6 hyporesponsiveness to emotional stimuli in the OFC,70 increased amygdala–VS functional connectivity to positive faces71 and increased amygdala–OFC functional connectivity to sad faces.72 However, findings of state-dependent impairments show low consistency, which may be due to the small number of studies and the difference in the mood states included in these studies. Man et al found that patients in a manic state showed a specific pattern of amygdala connectivity that is correlated with manic symptoms, which can be distinguished from patients in a depressive state.71 A longitudinal follow-up study showed that, compared with the euthymic state, patients in a manic state showed enhanced responses in the hippocampus and amygdala during emotion perception.73 Hence, the reduced activation of the hippocampus and amygdala during mania may underlie the emotion-processing deficits during mania, leading to clinical manifestations of elevated mood, emotional instability and behavioural disinhibition.
The underlying mechanism of emotional instability in bipolar disorder may be impaired emotion regulation. Therefore, several studies have explored changes in brain function in patients during emotional regulation and revealed several state-dependent changes underlying the switching of mood states in bipolar disorder.74 Phillips et al refined emotional regulation into two processes: voluntary mood regulation, which is associated with the dorsal brain regions (eg, hippocampus, dorsal ACC and dorsal PFC), and automatic emotion regulation, which is associated with the ventral brain regions (eg, amygdala, insula, VS, ventral ACC and ventral PFC).75 One can employ several strategies during emotional regulation: behavioural control, attentional control and cognitive change.75 During voluntary emotional suppression, the insula and IFG show mood state-dependent activation changes, regardless of attentional control or cognitive change strategies.9 76 During automatic emotion regulation, by requiring the patients to shift their attention from the emotional information of faces to non-emotional information, such as colour and sex, Perlman et al
77 found that the effective functional connectivity between the amygdala and PFC is a characteristic difference between patients in a depressive state and patients in a euthymic state. Liu et al
10 observed that the response to negative emotions in the OFC could distinguish between depressive and manic states. Specifically, patients in a (hypo)manic state showed hyperactivation of the cingulate gyrus and SFG, but patients in a depressive state did not, which could be explained by the contradiction between the individual’s current mood state and external emotional stimuli.5
Brain functional alterations during cognitive tasks
Deficits of executive function in patients with bipolar disorder have also been extensively studied. The normal function of working memory requires dlPFC, IFG and parietal lobes of the FPN in normal individuals.78 However, abnormalities in these brain regions may lead to working memory deficits in patients with bipolar disorder.79 Both cross-sectional7 and longitudinal studies80 showed that patients in acute mood states exhibited reduced activation in the dlPFC and parietal lobe and failed deactivation in the mPFC, while patients in euthymic states exhibited normalisation of the dlPFC and parietal lobe and failed normalisation of mPFC.80 This evidence indicates that reduced dlPFC and parietal lobe activation may serve as a state characteristic and failure of mPFC deactivation as a trait marker of bipolar disorder. However, conflicting evidence reports that aberrant dlPFC and parietal lobe activation seem to be trait markers.8 The Stroop task is also commonly used to measure the patient’s executive function. It requires attention and response inhibition. Using this task, Blumberg et al
81 found that activation changes in the rostral region of the ventral PFC could distinguish between depressive and manic states.
Brain functional alterations during reward tasks
Dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area to the VS and PFC play an important role in reward processing. During reward anticipation, enhanced activation was evidenced in the vlPFC and OFC in patients in a (hypo)manic state,82 83 suggesting an increased reward sensitivity during the manic state. Behavioural activation system theory proposes that this reward hypersensitivity represents a characteristic of bipolar disorder.84 However, the abnormalities in reward-related activity during depressive and euthymic states remain unknown. The direction of striatal activation changes during reward anticipation and reward feedback varies considerably across studies.85 To conclude, Phillips and Swartz proposed a left-lateralised nature of the reward circuitry. That is, abnormally elevated left-sided VS–vlPFC/OFC circuitry during reward anticipation and processing in adults with bipolar disorder may represent a neural mechanism for heightened reward sensitivity.2 Mason et al
86 proposed a plausible neurobiological mechanism for mood fluctuations, which claimed that mood state changes are driven by mood-biased reward prediction errors in the VS. For those with bipolar disorder, when in a high mood, the perceived reward value is better than the actual rewards, and vice versa. The tipping point is when the overhigh/overlow expectations result in a negative/positive surprise, triggering a depressive/manic cycle.87
Altered resting-state functional connectivity and spontaneous brain activity
In the resting state, patients with bipolar disorder also have abnormal functional brain connectivity patterns. Previous resting-state imaging studies have built on the findings of task studies and explored the functional connectivity abnormalities of these target brain regions, such as the amygdala and striatum. These studies reported impaired functional connectivity in the corticolimbic system during resting state. For example, reduced functional connectivity between the amygdala and IFG88 and the amygdala and ACC46 89 was reported in patients in a manic state compared with patients in other mood states. Furthermore, both patients with depression and those with (hypo)mania exhibit extensive functional connectivity abnormalities between the subregions of the striatum and frontal cortex, limbic system and midbrain structures.48
Martino et al conducted several studies on patients with bipolar disorder in all three mood states.90–92 They found that patients in a manic state showed reduced functional connectivity within the DMN and increased functional connectivity within the SMN, with a positive correlation with the severity of manic symptoms. In contrast, patients in a depressive state showed increased functional connectivity within the DMN and reduced functional connectivity within the SMN, also with a positive correlation with the severity of depressive symptoms. Thus, the functional connectivity of the DMN and SMN appears to be a possible neural substrate of manic and depressive states. During the manic state, the diminished functional connectivity of the DMN is associated with racing thoughts and distraction, and the enhanced functional connectivity of the SMN is associated with high energy, increased speech rate and activity. During the depressive state, enhanced functional connectivity of the DMN is associated with rumination thinking and a focus on internal contents, and diminished functional connectivity of the SMN is associated with psychomotor inhibition.