Implantable vagus nerve stimulation (iVNS) is a neuromodulation technique that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat refractory epilepsy1 and chronic or recurrent depression.2 Its applications for treating pain conditions, sepsis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity have also been investigated.3 As one of the affordable and non-invasive alternatives to iVNS, transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) applies rhythmic electrical currents to the skin surface of the vagally innervated ear regions, allowing activation of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (ABVN).
Two dominant views of the neural mechanisms associated with taVNS have emerged; that is, taVNS takes effect via the modulation of either the bilateral locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system4 or the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission contralateral to taVNS.5 These views are supported by the strong links between vagal activities and physiological markers of LC-NE system activity (eg, P3 amplitude, pupil dilation and α-oscillations6), as well as between vagal activities and GABA levels (eg, short-interval intracortical inhibition5). Since the activities of the LC-NE6 and GABAergic systems7 are essential contributors to the attentional processes, in recent years, researchers have assumed a modulatory effect of taVNS on attention.8 9 Current research has mainly focused on the modulatory effects on target detection, emotion-induced orientation and response inhibition while yielding inconsistent findings.9 10 The discrepancies may be not only due to methodological differences and various stimulation parameters employed in previous studies but also because the attentional tasks performed combined different aspects of attention.
According to Posner’s theory of attention,11 there are three attentional systems with distinct functions: alerting, orienting and executive control. Specifically, ‘alerting’ refers to the overall vigilance and readiness to detect incoming stimuli, which involves the level of general arousal; ‘orienting’ involves the selective allocation of attention to specific modalities or locations; and ‘executive control’ is responsible for resolving conflict among responses. Although the three are functionally orthogonal constructs, they interact with each other to shape the overall behaviour performance in the attentional tasks.12 Therefore, the heterogeneity effects of taVNS on attentional tasks could be attributed to the combined influence of the modulation effect on the different attentional functions, further increasing the complication of the modulation effects on the observed variables. For instance, the cortical distribution of the LC-NE system, which could be activated by the taVNS, is the basis of alerting, and its excitation would facilitate the orienting by increasing the sensitivity to salient stimuli (eg, negative pictures) in the environment, thus accelerating the reaction time (RT) to the targets. On the other hand, the taVNS-induced increase in the GABA level at the sensorimotor cortex would enhance the executive attention processes in the conflict condition while prolonging the RT.12 13 Thus, it is critically necessary to use appropriate observed variables to explore the taVNS modulation effects on different attention systems.
In this work, we adopted a dot-probe task14 that contained warning signals (ie, fixation occurred at a fixed time prior to the target stimulus), cues (ie, faces with different expressions) and the following targets (ie, solid white dots presented on the left or right location) to conduct an exploratory study of the taVNS effects on the attentional systems. Specifically, according to the deconstruction of the attention systems11 and the Attention Network Test developed by Fan et al,12 alerting was determined by the overall RT of all trials warned by a fixation cross presented at 1500 ms prior to the target onset, which collapsed across affective cue-target congruency. The effects of taVNS on the electroencephalographic (EEG) components associated with alerting function (ie, the P3 component) were recorded and investigated. In addition, the orienting was measured by the difference in the RT between the validly cued-target (ie, the position of the target is congruent with that of the previous affective face) and the invalidly cued-target (ie, the position of the target is incongruent with that of the previous affective face). Response inhibition influence in this choice reaction task (ie, left or right) was evaluated by two EEG components: the motor-related cortical potential (MRCP, a component around the sensorimotor cortex supposed to inhibit the mirror movement of the contralateral hand in the choice reaction time task15) and spontaneous brain oscillations (reflecting the cortical excitability for movement preparation16). This exploratory study would improve insight into the modulation effects of taVNS on the attentional systems and further promote the taVNS application transformation.