Disinhibited social engagement disorder: LACK In WARING
Limited or Absent or Changing
(K) Caregivers for forming stable and selective attachments
Willingness to go off with unfamiliar adults
Absent or diminished checking back with an adult caregiver after venturing away, even in unfamiliar situations
Reduced or absent reticence in approaching or interacting with unfamiliar adults
Inappropriate overly familiar verbal or physical behaviour
Not limited to impulsivity (as in ADHD)
Got developmental age of at least 9 months
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): ‘TRAAUMA’ (modified by the author from the original mnemonic TRAUMA)37 74 75
Traumatic event: witnessed or experienced or occurred to dearest or exposure repeatedly to its aversive details
Re-experience one of following intrusion symptoms: memories, nightmares, flashbacks, psychological distress or physiological reaction to cues symbolising the traumatic event
Avoidance of memories, thoughts, feelings of the traumatic event or its reminders
Alterations in cognitions and mood negatively: forgetting, mislabelling, blaming, no positive emotions, always negative emotions, anhedonia, detachment (two of seven)
Unable to function or cause distress/Unattributed to a substance or another medical condition
Month or more of symptoms
Arousal and reactivity increased with two of the following: irritability, recklessness, hypervigilance, startling, concentration and sleep disturbances
The subcriteria to symptom clusters of PTSD can be remembered by75:
(1) Intrusion symptoms: ‘R3D2’ (think Star Wars and add an ‘R’) which stands for
Recollections, Recurring and Reactivity (physiological) in response to cues of the traumatic event; Dreams (distressing) and Distress (psychological).
(2) Avoidance, negative cognitions/mood and dissociative symptoms: ‘AFRAID’ (modified by author)
Avoid internal or external stimuli associated with the trauma
False cognitions (mislabelling and blaming)
Recall difficulty
Affect (no positive, always negative emotions)
Interest (diminished)
(3) Arousal symptoms: ‘SCARE’ (modified by the author)
Sleep disturbance
Concentration (difficulty)
Anger (outbursts or irritability)
Really vigilant/Reckless or self-destructive behaviour
Exaggerated startle response
Other mnemonics for PTSD that may help are: FIGHT,76 DREAMS,38 CRASH,23 PRIDE AFRAID CHAINS,24 ERAA.32
Acute stress disorder: the subcriteria to symptom clusters of acute stress disorder can be remembered by: ‘R3D2 AFRAID SCARE’ (similar to PTSD) (presence of nine or more of the following 14 symptoms):
Intrusion symptoms:
Recollect (memories) (1), Dreams (distressing) (2), Recurring (flashbacks) (3), Reactivity (physiological) and Distress (psychological) in response to cues of the traumatic event (combined as 4).
Negative mood, dissociative and avoidance symptoms (cognitive symptoms removed):
Avoid internal (5) or external (6) stimuli associated with the trauma
(False cognitions (mislabelling and blaming) removed)
Recall difficulty (7)
Affect (no positive emotions) (8)
(‘Interest diminished’ removed)
Detachment (9).
Arousal symptoms:
Sleep disturbance (10)
Concentration (difficulty) (11)
Anger (outbursts or irritability) (12)
Really vigilant (13)
Exaggerated startle response (14)
Adjustment disorder: ‘EMOTES’ (modified by the author)23
Emotional or behavioural symptoms within 3 months of onset of stressor(s) with
Marked distress in excess of what would be expected from exposure to the stressor (or)
Occupational, academic or social functioning is significantly impaired
Termination of symptoms within 6 months of
termination of stressor or its consequences
Exclusion of another mental disorder or exacerbation of pre-existing mental disorder ruled out
Symptoms do not represent bereavement
Another mnemonic for adjustment disorder: IT’S BAD.24