Table 3

Cross-tabulation with demographic characteristics and methods of suicide

VariablesTotalHanging (n=160)Poisoning
StatisticsP value
Age in years (mean (SD))36.11 (15.51)38.94 (16.93)29.80 (12.22)39.62 (13.33)F=12.006<0.001
Gender (n=329)χ2=7.7920.020
 Male262 (79.6)133 (50.8)75 (28.6)54 (20.6)
 Female67 (20.4)27 (40.3)31 (46.3)9 (13.4)
Marital status (n=318)χ2=12.0330.017
 Married164 (51.6)88 (57.5)40 (38.5)36 (59.0)
 Unmarried144 (45.3)59 (38.6)61 (58.7)24 (39.3)
 Separated/divorced10 (3.1)6 (3.9)3 (2.9)1 (1.6)
Habitat (n=330)χ2=12.0810.017
 Urban124 (40.0)51 (41.1)38 (30.6)35 (28.2)
 Semi-urban127 (41.0)71 (55.9)40 (31.5)16 (12.6)
 Rural59 (19.0)34 (57.6)15 (25.4)10 (16.9)
Social class (n=300)χ2=4.0190.403
 High44 (14.7)22 (50.0)12 (27.3)10 (22.7)
 Average156 (52.0)71 (45.5)51 (32.7)34 (21.8)
 Low100 (33.3)53 (53.0)34 (34.0)13 (13.0)
Occupation (n=273)χ2=36.022<0.001
 Student96 (35.2)37 (38.5)51 (53.1)8 (8.3)
 Business34 (12.5)20 (58.8)8 (23.5)6 (17.6)
 Artisan25 (9.2)18 (72.0)5 (20.0)2 (8.0)
 Civil servant26 (9.5)14 (53.8)4 (15.4)8 (30.8)
 Others92 (33.7)39 (42.4)27 (29.3)26 (28.3)
Region (n=329)χ2=22.5470.013
 North Central62 (18.8)21 (33.9)31 (50.0)10 (16.1)
 North East12 (3.6)8 (66.7)2 (16.7)2 (16.7)
 North West37 (11.2)15 (40.5)12 (32.4)10 (27.0)
 South East48 (14.6)31 (64.6)12 (25.0)5 (10.4)
 South-South52 (15.8)26 (50.0)19 (36.5)7 (13.5)
 South West118 (35.9)59 (50.0)30 (25.4)29 (24.6)
Risk factors (n=296)χ2=37.429<0.001
 Unknown84 (28.4)47 (56.0)15 (17.9)22 (26.2)
 Financial constraint49 (16.6)30 (61.2)14 (28.6)5 (10.2)
 Marital/relationship discord27 (9.1)7 (25.9)19 (70.4)1 (3.7)
 Familial disharmony28 (9.5)8 (28.6)14 (50.0)6 (21.4)
 Depression15 (5.1)8 (53.3)5 (33.3)2 (13.3)
 Others79 (26.7)34 (43.0)30 (38.0)15 (19.0)
Place of attempt (n=322)χ2=47.432<0.001
 Home197 (61.2)94 (47.7)79 (40.1)24 (12.2)
 School19 (5.9)9 (47.4)8 (42.1)2 (10.5)
 Workplace14 (4.3)7 (50.0)1 (7.1)6 (42.9)
 Community centre (centre, stadium, showhouse etc)13 (4.0)10 (76.9)2 (15.4)1 (7.7)
 Bridge10 (3.1)3 (30.0)1 (10.0)6 (60.0)
 Others69 (21.4)35 (50.7)10 (14.5)24 (38.8)
  • *Others—electric shock 1 (0.3), jump in front of vehicle/train 2 (0.6), burning 5 (1.4), fall 9 (2.7), gunfire 10 (3.0), cutting 21 (6.2), drowning 23 (6.6).