Table 1

Life-history-strategy-related behaviours and traits

Fast life history strategySlow life history strategy
Physiological outcomes
 Rate of developmentFasterSlower
 Onset of pubertyEarlierLater
 Life expectancyShorterLonger
 Sexual maturationEarlierLater
 Sexual partnersMoreFewer
 Relationship orientedCasualCommitted
 Age of reproductionEarlierLater
 Number of offspringHigherSmaller
 Parental investmentLowerHigher
Psychological traits
 AttachmentInsecure and unstableSecure and stable
 Reward orientationShort and immediateLong and delayed
 Prosocial tendenciesLower cooperation, antisocialHigher cooperation, prosocial
 ImpulsivityHigh, risk-taking, sensation-seekingLow, risk-avoidance, stick to routines
 PersonalityLow conscientiousness and agreeablenessHigh conscientiousness and agreeableness
Ecological conditions
  • It was adapted from Baumard’s work.13